Inside the Fire Sprinkler Inspection Process – Crevalor Reviews

n?” the most important thing to do when checking the fire sprinkler system is simply to observe the system by looking at it. A clue towards a larger issue within the fire sprinkler system is when there is something that appears strange visually. Examining for accumulation of grease or other system malfunctions is vital. Each three years, inspections go through the system and note how many kilograms of air (PSI) that the system can handle at the time it is triggered.

Then the inspectors see how long it takes for the water to make it to the worker placed at the far end of the line. This basically is a simulation of a fire to see what happens. When the group has switched off the system , and ensured that it’s not draining entirely, they’ll test to ensure that the compressor is fully charged. It is then checked the indicator valve has been opened and is in the correct position to connect the pipe. They then conduct an inspection of dates to make sure that no dates are expired.

An inspection of your fire sprinkler system ensures that you are safe in an incident. A regular inspection of your fire sprinkler system are strongly recommended.


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